Setlists & Lyrics
(band members only)
This is a hidden page for collaborators to access songs and lyrics.
Recorded Music
My self-titled debut is HERE. You can listen on any platform you like, but the lyrics are only available on Bandcamp, here. Just hover over the song title and click the word “lyrics”.
My not-yet-released second studio album is here. The lyrics to those songs are linked below.
Journeyman (I don’t play this live so I won’t link the lyrics)
Bedouin Cowboy
My first album (“Bedouin Cowboy”) is HERE. The songs we play from this album are (please learn them):
Swampers at Fame
Garden Full of Medicine
Killing Clark Kent
These are also a free download or stream on Bandcamp.
Demos (click to DL)
These are songs we play that have not yet been recorded. Click the song title to DL the MP3.
Bullets in Those Guns (ACOUSTIC)
Bullets in Those Guns (W LEAD GUITAR MOCK UP - Pat you can write a different part, this is just me noodling.)
New stuff
These are songs I’ve written and am sharing with you for your consideration. Should we play them? Do you have suggestions about how to make them better (lyrics, melodies, structure etc.?) How should we play them as a group?